Dougie Mac Christmas Jumper 2021

The Donna Louise Trust & Douglas Macmillan Hospice amalgamated into one company almost a year ago into Dougie Mac working out of one hospice across two sites. Dougie Mac has almost 50 years’ experience in care and have added palliative care for children and young people from The Donna Louise Trust, to their core business of providing end of life care for adults. It’s heart-breaking for any parent to realise that it is almost certain they will outlive their children. Dougie Mac offer parents from Staffordshire and South Cheshire, exceptional care for their families for as long as they are needed. Here at KPI we are always looking for ways to back local area charities and on National Christmas jumper day, staff were encouraged to wear their Christmas jumpers before we broke up for the Bank Holiday. All offices joined in the festive spirit and we managed to raise a fantastic sum of £106.07p!
All offices joined in the festive spirit and here is a picture of our Stoke branch with of course, the obligatory collection box at the forefront. We’d like to thank everyone who took part, embracing the occasion, and raising over one hundred pounds for this superb charity!
The Donna Louise Trust & Douglas Macmillan Hospice amalgamated into one company almost a year ago into Dougie Mac working out of one hospice across two sites. Dougie Mac has almost 50 years’ experience in care and have added palliative care for children and young people from The Donna Louise Trust, to their core business of providing end of life care for adults. It’s heart-breaking for any parent to realise that it is almost certain they will outlive their children. Dougie Mac offer parents from Staffordshire and South Cheshire, exceptional care for their families for as long as they are needed. Here at KPI we are always looking for ways to back local area charities and on National Christmas jumper day, staff were encouraged to wear their Christmas jumpers before we broke up for the Bank Holiday. All offices joined in the festive spirit and we managed to raise a fantastic sum of £106.07p!
All offices joined in the festive spirit and here is a picture of our Stoke branch with of course, the obligatory collection box at the forefront. We’d like to thank everyone who took part, embracing the occasion, and raising over one hundred pounds for this superb charity!